How to Earn Comb Token by Farming

Combine Finance
2 min readSep 22, 2020


The Official Contract address

Step 1: Get yourself some COMB Token

! Make sure you use the official COMB pool, there are a lot of Scam Tokens out there. Make sure your Ethereum Wallet has some ETH, if not get some on an exchange.

Official Link :

Step 2: Provide some Liquidity to the COMB-ETH pool

Official Link

You’ll have to first approve UNISWAP to spend your COMB. (note the approval will be asked 2 times).

Next, you have to confirm another transaction to Supply your COMB and ETH to the pool.

Step 3: Last Step! Deposit your LP tokens on the Combine.Finance website (

Official Link —

Approve COMB-Eth Uni-v2 lp to spend your LP tokens.

Once approved click on + button

Next, deposit your LP tokens!

Congrats, You are now earning COMB token

Congrats you are a COMB farmer.


Five txns in total you need to perform

1. ETH -> COMB

2. Approve COMB spend by UNISWAP

3. Deposit COMB and ETH to the pool

4. Approve LP token spend by

5. Deposit LP tokens



Combine Finance
Combine Finance

Written by Combine Finance

A Decentralized community-driven DeFi protocol emphasizes on Liquidity Staking on Uniswap with limited supply.

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